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Wow……The love you give to NO MERCY is INSAAAAAAAAAAAANE!! Honestly, the whole team worked HYPER hard and I couldn’t have been better around it. Besides, for the little story, everyone was in warrior mode during the filming of NO MERCY and the next clip because there was a lot to do in a very short time.But all of them from directors to extras were super chill, efficient, patient and professional. We went through all sorts of journeys (one of the funds ripped during a stage, problems with rented equipment, filming delays, desisting extras, etc…) but we always went through it.We finished the last day of filming at 2 am, smashed but super happy with the work done and while preparing the celebration spliffs Sami came to tell us that there was a problem during the backup of files and we had lost all the pictures from the 17 h day we had just spent.
I can tell you morale went from 100 to-100. The team left the filming space in depression mode but I kept hope and did everything to reassure the troop that we could recover everything.A few days later, managers called me to tell me that the majority of files could have been saved! So here, despite all the tribulations, we managed to complete the project and I’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone who made this possible! I’m so proud of all of us!!! And thank you, my people, for rewarding our hard work with your appreciation and sharing! This is the most beautiful gift ever.
My heart is full of love and appreciation!